Enter the Freyja Manor Archive?

" You remind me of starlight...y'know? "

"h-huh—? how so?"

" You…always—you always shine. Even when its dark, you still find a way to lighten the situation at hand, like starlight. "


  • DO NOTㅤcome to me with any bigotry, sexism, racism, lgbt-phobia. I don't tolerate it, in any circumstance. Minors/lala-lewders please do not interact.

  • DO NOTㅤexpect anything more than friendship if we interact/rp, I'm happily taken IRL and would rather have friendship over anything. it's happened to many times where i've had to set strict boundaries after something comes out OR had to cut someone out due to it.

  • DO NOTㅤpressure me into nsfw rp or rp in general, Kuroji is canonically married already, so any nsfw rp would be non-canon unless discussed otherwise. I'm highly introverted and easily intimidated if I'm overwhelmed, regardless if I do like meeting new people. My own being comes first before all, rp isn't a priority.

  • DO NOT repost, steal or claim any of my works, my commissioned works or friends' works for your own.

  • DOㅤask if you intend for a full scenario, consent is everything, and I'd rather know boundaries and what is and isn't okay. I am only interested in rp if you are 21+, any other requests will be turned away.

  • DO share your ideas with me! If it comes to a point where a continued scenario can occur, let's brainstorm together. I'm open to throwing ideas around in terms of continued interaction between characters.

  • DO make it known ooc to me if your character is openly hostile or rude and you do want to interact with Kuroji. Kuro will respond as expected. If you're rude to be rude, cause a disagreement on purpose for harm, don't get the answer/reaction you were looking for, please go elsewhere for rp.

  • DOㅤlet me know if anything makes you uncomfortable, be in for rp or ooc, communication is key! I am very open to talking things out and understanding when things get too far.


  • NSFW content is made with Kuroji, absolutely no minors should be interacting with any content to begin with, preferred to interact with 21+. NSFW Collabs are exclusive to friends/mutuals with permission.


  • nameㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤkuroji 'kuro' aldric freyja.

  • ageㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ31.

  • namedayㅤㅤㅤㅤ18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon.

  • raceㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ veena/viera.

  • pronounsㅤㅤㅤ he/him.

  • genderㅤㅤㅤㅤ male.

  • sexualityㅤㅤㅤpansexual.

  • birthplaceㅤㅤ ishgard.

  • current homeㅤ ishgard.

  • languagesㅤㅤ common eorzean, ishgardian, doman/hingan (very rough), old dalmascan (learned from Mhira).

  • occupationㅤㅤ lord of house freyja/warrior of light.

  • disciplinesㅤㅤㅤㅤ mch, drg, drk, vpr.

  • heightㅤㅤ6'4"

  • weightㅤ225.

  • hair color dark brown with auburn highlights (auburn also along the tips of his ears)

  • eye color heterochromatic; amber (right eye) and deep blue (left eye)

  • skintone fair, freckled.

  • blemishes freckles covering across the bridge of his nose and scars; from both wear and tear and from battle, mainly around his torso and arms, notably a large scar spanning his entire back and fully branching along his right arm and hand.

stubborn, often speaks before thinking, soft-spoken, introverted, calculated, book-smart, curious, often a bit brash without realising, protective.
books, astronomy/stars, tea, reading/writing, blue, grey and gold, homemade foods, forests, the ocean, exploring, listening to friends.
lightning, large crowds, overly sweet things, being alone, mistreatment of any kind, losing people, feeling helpless, unnecessary clutter, unwanted attention.

A formerly matriarchal house that assists with archival works for Ishgard, keeping guard of the Griffin Crossing Bridge and assisting other high houses with their forts as support. Their house sigil is represented as a blue and grey shield with a griffin insignia displayed in the center.


Little Lord.

The only boy born into a matricarchal home and the youngest of two, Kuroji grew up mistreated. He was only being cared for by his older sister Arielle and his parents, while his grandmother stood as the Countess of House Freyja, treating him lowly, similarly to staff. The treatment worsened after his parents passed away, being caught in a Garlean ambush on their way back from Dravania, Kuro and Elle were 5 and 9 respectively at the time. Arielle vowed to take care of Kuroji.

It was him against the cold of Ishgard most days, spending more time outside of Freyja Manor, or taking refuge of sorts within Fortemps Manor or Borel Manor, befriending Artoirel and Aymeric. Due to his time mainly staying to the streets or with his friends, the little lordling learned the ins and outs of the Holy Sea, learning to survive the gaunt environment of the Brume to knowing how to get the best foods from the Crozier. It made him distrustful to most people, becoming standoffish to anyone who doesn't care for him.Once he was old enough, his grandmother forced him into Temple Knight training, he stuck at Aymeric's side, through him, he meets Estinien and the trio are inseparable during their time. He's forced into endless hours of watch, patrols and field work. This would be the only position of power he was allowed, while his sister had begun her training to become the next countess. He used his time as a Temple Knight to his advantage most times, never being home other than to be with his sister, he was still found commonly at either Fortemps Manor or Borel Manor.

Kuro against the World.

One winter, a bad illness hit Ishgard, plaguing many of its residents, including all of House Freyja, except for Kuroji, who was keeping to Fortemps Manor at the time, after a few moons of being locked down within, he had found out through missives and asking Count Edmont any news; his entire house was ill, and the Freyja Manor was under lock, quarantined away in fear of it being a main source of the illness. Hearing this, Kuro was frantic, knowing his sister was afflicted and likely not going to make it with the reputation the illness wrought. Edmont refused to let him go, in fear of him getting sick as well, caring for him much like his own.He lost everything that day.When he was able to leave, he ran to Freyja Manor, only to be met with mourners that supported his grandmother at the doors, said people turned their finger to him, accusing him of being the reason the high house had fallen to ruin, that he was a curse to the family to begin with. As best he could, he tried to convince them otherwise, but his grandmother's influence and words was spread too deeply, and he continued to be pushed around by the other houses and people that respected her.At 16, he took only basic supplies, some gil, his bow and a knife, and he traveled by foot to Gridania, determined to start anew. He joined the Archer's Guild shortly after arriving, to keep his bow arm honed and started to make a name for himself, doing odd jobs, taking bounties and the like, crawling up the ranks quickly for his skills and reliability. It's there that he met Mhira.

Starlight in a darkened sky.

The small, but independent and bright-eyed Rava Bard that had been observing curiously from afar within the guild, in awe about the quiet and broody ex-Lordling. He had taken an interest in his skills, and how quickly he seemed to take the top spot each hunt, bounty and mission on the boards. Kuro had returned from a particularly rough run of a mission, stormed back to turn it in and get it over with, nearly trampled over Mhira who had been exiting at the time. The poor smaller of the two knocked into the door frame, shouted out in disbelief and annoyance that he was run into, only to be greeted with a gruff half-apology.Next they meet is during a bounty within one of the dungeons, where Mhira had taken to support the group. Much to his surprise, it was just the two of them, realising Kuroji had taken the mission alone but had forgotten to fill all the slots. Kuro just wanting to get the job done, let him stay. Unexpectedly, the two embraced combat fluidly, working together like if they had for years, which takes Kuroji by surprise, and he praises Mhira's skills once they exit and head back towards Gridania, startling him with the almost out of character niceties.Kuroji requested Mhira every task after that. Taking him along when Kuro is recruited by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, continuing their travels and partnership in battle.

Rest of history - WIP


A Realm Reborn.

The two became inseparable, even if Kuroji wouldn't admit it. If Mhira was in trouble, Kuroji was always a step behind. The Veena became protective of the Rava, keeping him at his side as a companion for anything and everything, regardless of his mantle as the Warrior of Light. What Kuro didn't pick up on, as observant of everything else he was, was the feelings Mhira had been having for him. Mhira knew Kuro's boundaries, not to a deep extent, but he knew he didn't trust easily and liked to keep his relations at his own pace and didn't like to bring up his past, so the feelings stayed one sided, even if an outsider could look at them and say otherwise, especially with how Kuroji had cared for the pining man.After a trial arose to go against the primal Ramuh, Kuro adamantly said he'll go alone. Mhi equally as stubborn insisted he at least go with him, but Kuro argued, storming off after a brief argument and off to face the Lord of Levin. Recently being equipped with Machinist tech, after being seeked out by an engineer that works on the gear. Kuro is a formidable foe to come against, already having slain the likes of Ifrit, Garuda, Titan and Leviathan. He was confident he had victory on the horizon in his grasp, little did he know; Ramuh was not one to underestimate. He barely escapes, grasping for his life, he manages to get back to Gridania before collapsing in the plaza, immediately getting the attention of Serpents on duty, scrambling in taking him straight to chirurgeons.Mhira came into the scene of his companion at death's door, covered in his own blood and barely breathing, burns from the levin marking his skin. After hours of healing, trying to get any kind of response, chirurgeons told Mhira there's nothing they can do. Determined and wracked with frantic fear and grief, Mhi shoved them all out, grasping on the fact that he isn't gone, using all of his healing ability to bring Kuro back to a stable state. In doing so, his aether attuned with Kuroji's, aetherbonding them.

Once Kuroji recovered, he was distant, easily jumpy at loud sounds, and constantly plagued with nightmares. The man couldn't handle a simple thunderstorm anymore. Mhira stuck by his side til he was back to himself, as always.The two were getting used to their new bond, realising they can sense the others emotional state and slightly physical state, depending on their focus. Kuro already could detect emotions due to the Echo, but this was something different. In the long run, it made them closer, more protective of the other and much more in sync in battle.


Returning to Ishgard was hard for Kuroji, he was hesitant to even step foot back into the Holy Sea, but knew he had no choice, having Mhira there was just enough motivation to keep going. Kuroji had opened up to Mhira more of his past while they were there; his ties to the city, why he left, why the Fortemps welcomed him back like he never left, etc. He had the idea to sneak back to the Freyja Manor with him, remembering the back alley ways of reaching the home, wanting to at least let Mhi see for himself.Stepping inside was hard for Kuro, immediately becoming more quiet, sullen and pointing out little things around the dusty halls, what took him by surprise was Mhi's absolute awe of it all; startled that he was still adamant about sticking at his side. Mhira had immediately assured him, he doesn't need to live up to the expectations that were forced upon him anymore, and he's already made his own, so why should that affect their relationship. Kuroji continued to show him around, stopping outside the room that had been designated as his own, a small side room; typically used as a storage pantry. A wince had shaken through him when Mhira gently pushed the door open himself. The taller of the two stayed in the doorway of the pantry room, while the other slipped inside, his ears flat to his skull in shame. Only worn blankets and some scattered toys and books were inside, proving Kuro's points that he wasn't treated the best as a child.When Mhi had turned to face him, he immediately felt bad for pressing to go inside and had gone to Kuro's side to calm him, only to see the Veena collapse to his knees in the middle of the room, shaking from the flashbacks of being locked inside over nothing.That was the first time Mhira had seen Kuroji cry.After a few long moments, Kuro had settled his head on Mhi's lap, silently just listened to the other hum a soft song. Breaking the silence, Kuroji called him starlight in a soft, shaky voice, explaining to the Rava; his hair, eyes, freckles especially, reminded him of the night sky;

"Because the moon doesn’t always shine in the sky…but the stars do."

Their closeness had set alight something in Kuroji, idle conversation had turned to flustered apologies. Not knowing how to act on anything, a kiss was shared between the two; Mhira taking the leap to kiss Kuroji, regardless of his want to keep his feelings at bay with the knowledge of Kuroji and Haurchefant's engagement.

But all good things, can't last forever, Kuroji mentioned that it can't happen again, due to the engagement, his voice quiet, obvious that he doesn't want to hurt Mhira but knows it will. Mhira locked up, getting closed off and short with other, but Kuro tries to reconcile immediately, but knows he can't, he's already said enough and had become closed off himself.This caused a lengthy rift between the two, not speaking to the other for a few days.




reluctant lord.

Kuroji being the last of his family is the only one that can take the head of the house, as such, he was reluctant to do so with the history he has with the namesake to begin with, but Mhira was the one that assured him that they can make it their legacy now.A good few other lords and people aren't too pleased of him taking the position either, and make it openly known as such, going against him in delegations and meetings. Kuro makes it evident that such disdain doesn't get to him and does everything to prove himself as a Lord of Ishgard.



Aetherbonded and partners til the end, Mhira Mithrin has been at Kuroji's side since the beginning of his journey. From one sided pining from Mhira for years, regardless of the tension and closeness between them already, to when Kuro finally fell hard for him on the First, realising his feelings after not knowing how to deal with them.The two are even more inseparable since. They eternally bonded shortly after the events of the prevented Finals Days.



While House Freyja is known for it's archival work and bookkeeping, Kuroji was and is still found with his nose in a book or within the archive of the manor.He loves to learn and consistently looks for different things that are unknown to him, including anything to do with his friends and other company.



Kuroji is covered in scars from battle and from wear and tear over all the years. More notably some prominent ones from his trials as the Warrior of Light; Burns from Ifrit and Nidhogg (all over), Lichtenberg scars from Ramuh (along his back and shoulders), and 'cracks' of light from taking in the Lightwarden's Light (all over; torso, arms and hands). The lightning scars along his back are the more grotesque and roughly healed wounds on his body compared to the rest, the inflicting wounds nearly killed him.A later edition to the mess of scars is more wear and tear from his training as a Dark Knight, after spending 5 years (Norvandt time) without realising. Another, being more Lichtenberg scars, from his right shoulder down to his wrist, caused by a strike of levin casted in panic by Mhira during a unmoderated spar.


losses upon losses.

From losing his entire family, starting with his parents from a Garlean ambush, to his sister due to plague that ran through Ishgard, having to stand there while G'raha Tia locked himself away within the Crystal Tower, watching the light leave Haurchefant's eyes in his arms, and nearly losing Estinien to Nidhogg's influence and rage ontop many other notable losses within his watch. Kuroji has been through so many losses and near losses, so much so he had self-exiled himself away to the Far East, not long after the Dragonsong War until the battle at Ghimlyt Dark. He vows time and time again that he will not lose another loved one as long as he lives.Ultima Thule had tested that vow, and he doesn't like talking about what had occurred there.


esteemed rebirth.

After nearly losing Mhira after a situation that Kuroji was humbled by being far too overprotective, the lord was a shell of himself, laying down his rifle and other Machinist gear. With the help of friends, though it was a long and exhausting path, for himself and them, he began his self-reckoning.Not wanting to use his rifle again, both due to not wanting to recall the fear he saw in Mhira's eyes, and wanting to be generally better. He sought out a new discipline; Dark Knight, finding more about himself and how to be better for himself, Mhira, and others.Along the way, he discovered Esteem, later on, Myste. Two manifestations of emotion of himself. Esteem; the more volatile, easily angered, and defensive of the two, a near mirror of how Kuroji had been before this reckoning. Myste; More of Kuroji's child-like self that never got to grow up properly, the more empathetic, sensitive one. Be warned however. Don't take it as a vulnerability when Myste shows, he is equally as dangerous and skilled.


OC Characters




Adopted Son


Close Friend



Close Friend

Closest Confidant


Close Friend


Other/NPC Characters





Dragoon Trainer






Childhood Friend



Childhood Friend




Trusted Chosen


Blessed By


Notable Bonds








  • nameㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤemmy/echo.

  • ageㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ26.

  • pronounsㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤshe/they.

  • timezoneㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤeastern standard.

  • astro sign/mbtiㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤvirgo/INFP-T.

  • Socials

  • Twitterㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ@unwrittenecho.

  • discordㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ@unwrittenecho

Disclaimer: Everything within this Carrd is subject to change at anytime.
